STM32C011 - MCU微控制器
Arm®Cortex®-M0+ 32-bit MCU, 32 KB Flash, 6 KB RAM, 2 x USART, timers, ADC, comm. I/Fs, 2-3.6 V
STM32C011x4/x6 主流微控制器基於高效能 Arm® Cortex®-M0+ 32 位元 RISC 內核,運作頻率高達 48 MHz。 它們具有高整合度,適用於消費、工業和家電領域的廣泛應用,並為物聯網 (IoT) 解決方案做好了準備。此元件整合了記憶體保護單元 (MPU)、高速嵌入式記憶體(6 KB SRAM 和高達 32 KB 的快閃程式記憶體,具有讀寫保護)、DMA、廣泛的系統功能、增強型 I/O和周邊設備。 此元件提供標準通訊介面(1 個I2C、1 個SPI/1 個I2S 和2 個USART)、1 個最多15 個通道的12 位元ADC (2.5 MSps)、1 個低功耗RTC、1 個高階控制PWM 定時器、4 個通用- 專用 16 位元計時器、兩個看門狗計時器和一個 SysTick 計時器。此元件的工作環境溫度為 -40 至 125°C,電源電壓為 2.0 V 至 3.6 V。最佳化的動態功耗與省電模式相結合,可實現低功耗應用的設計。這些元件採用 8 至 20 引腳封裝。
- Core: Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ CPU, frequency up to 48 MHz
- -40°C to 85°C/105°C/125°C operating temperature
- Memories
- Up to 32 Kbytes of flash memory with protection
- 6 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity check
- CRC calculation unit
- Reset and power management
- Voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V
- Power-on/Power-down reset (POR/PDR)
- Programmable Brownout reset (BOR)
- Low-power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby, Shutdown
- Clock management
- 4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator
- 32 kHz crystal oscillator with calibration
- Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator (±1 %)
- Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator (±5 %)
- Up to 18 fast I/Os
- All mappable on external interrupt vectors
- Multiple 5 V-tolerant I/Os
- 3-channel DMA controller with flexible mapping
- 12-bit, 0.4 µs ADC (up to 13 ext. channels)
- Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V
- 8 timers: 16-bit for advanced motor control, four 16-bit general-purpose, two watchdogs, SysTick timer
- Calendar RTC with alarm
- Communication interfaces
- One I2C-bus interface supporting Fastmode Plus (1 Mbit/s) with extra current sink, supporting SMBus/PMBus and wakeup from Stop mode
- Two USARTs with master/slave synchronous SPI; one supporting ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA capability, auto baud rate detection and wakeup feature
- One SPI (24 Mbit/s) with 4- to 16-bit programmable bitframe, multiplexed with I2S interface
- Development support: serial wire debug (SWD)
- All packages ECOPACK 2 compliant
*STMicroelectronics Authorized Distributor